Much of medicine is focused on the physical symptoms of disease. That is a good place to start, but not necessarily where disease begins. We are giant batteries with several energy field layers. Some of those layers we refer to as our pain body, our emotional body, our thought body, and our Spirit body among others. Traumas in the physical body can affect the other bodies (think a sports injury), but other times, emotional traumas, stress, our thoughts, and many other factors can cause disturbances and stagnation in our energetic fields.

Acupuncture is a great tool to address all of the bodies, but it is not the only tool, and sometimes we need more or something else. There are different forms of acupuncture where we work with scalp points or work with the lou, divergent, or 8 extraordinary channels.

There can also be other modalities of healing:

ReiKi is a Japanese form of energy work where the practitioner is a conduit for source or universal light energy to flow into the client. We practice Ensofic Ray ReiKi with direct lineage to the first Japanese masters of the craft.

Life activation is a series of healing steps performed in a session to help bring our innate healing abilities online, connect us to our purpose and higher self, and activate our physical and soul bodies by clearing our energetic fields.

Spirit activation builds on Life activation and can help bring us to more awareness and healing on a deeper physical and on a higher spiritual level. Both can be very subtle and manifest over time, for some people they will appear very strongly. We have found this to be helpful in enhancing the effects of other healing modalities.

Shamanic aura clearing is a method of clearing the auric fields that can be included within an acupuncture plus sessions (as can ReiKi) or as a stand alone. Through specific rituals and chanting, your field can be cleared and connected to protective energy.

Spark of life distance healing, is an energetic technique the practitioner can use to assist clients on their journey when they are not able to be physically present together. This is different from ReiKi distance healing as a protocol but has similar intent.